Fixing rust editions for foreign targets

I recently tried to migrate a rust crate from rust edition 2018 to 2021. The easy part was migrating the code for my current target

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Microsoft, 2FA and suffering

The story of how I actually contacted the microsoft hotline and tried for two hours to prove I'm not hacking my own account just, because I didn't use it enough.

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Wrangling mariadb/mysql to run in a custom setup

So you want to run mysql/mariadb on linux in an unprivileged user, with a custom path (instead of /tmp, /var/run..) and maybe a custom port? (And no docker!)

Then welcome to a world of pain.

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Positive experiences with linux on X1 Carbon Gen1

I recently had the chance of introducing linux to the laptop of a friend. Despite some discussions I've had recently on lobsters about the ugly sides of linux on the desktop, it turned out pretty well.

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